Sunday 11 March 2012

Dungarees of Death

 23 July 2011 
St Kilda Festival
11July 2012
On Feb 11th we went to St Kilda Festival. The weather didn't hold up to well that day and being hungover from the night before, me and Barney left early. When we got back to the city I used the Library to have a look at Facebook and saw all these messages about Whitney Houston's death. It struck me that the only other time I wore those dungarees was at Glasgowbury where we all heard about Amy Winehouse. I'm afraid to wear them again in case another drug-addicted celeb dies an untimely death. 

Speaking of the library, the City Library in Melbourne is surprisingly where we spent a lot of time the first few weeks. We started off using it for job and flat hunting but soon progressed to borrowing books and just going there to chill out when it was too hot or wanted to get out of the hostel for a while. There's a piano that anyone can use and once while I was in using the wi-fi, someone started playing the theme to Amelie. Another time I heard Moonlight Sonata. It was pretty cool. So the Melbourne City Library is definitely an unexpected favourite spot so far. 

Passenger busking on Degraves St. 
Grafitti on Degraves St
Degraves St is the coolest alleyway in Melbourne. While we stayed in the city during our first few weeks, we got breakfast most days along this street. It's lined on both sides with open-fronted Italian cafes and restaurants. This was the street where we watched "Passenger" busking and the crowd gathered around on milk crates to watch. 

After about two weeks I got a job the this Irish bar. It's extremely long hours. Sometimes I work from 12pm until 3am. The pay is good though and it's much needed experience for the rest of my travels in Australia. The first week was tough. I'm used to sitting on my ass in the bank all day. My feet started to swell and were so sore the first while. I'm used to it now and don't mind the long hours on my feet. I work with some really cool people too so that helps the hours go in. 

Since we're on the subject of swelling, after about three weeks here in Melbourne I spent a day at the beach in St. Kilda. For some reason I still don't understand, I didn't wear sun cream that day. My legs swelled up to about one and a half times their size and turned purple. I had to stay in bed for a whole week. It was depressing. I read a few books and tried to master the game Hearts. I learned a hard lesson. The man in that song was right. Wear Sunscreen! I didn't take a photo of the sunburn but on the left I have done a little doodle of what it looked like from the back. I didn't actually lose my feet during the whole ordeal but I just don't know how to draw them on paint.