Wednesday 4 April 2012

Kangaroos and the City

Best Buds

A little while ago me and a friend took a trip to Melbourne Zoo. I have to admit I was a little embarrassing. I didn't realise I was doing it but I was talking to all the animals. Not in a weird way, I don't think anyway, but apparently it was a thing. Sorry Dane. BUT! I hung out with a Kangaroo. I can leave Australia a happy tourist.

I quit my last job in the Irish bar... I didn't put it down enough in the last post in case I didn't get another job but now I have. Thank God. My new job is like a dream. I work either six or eight hour shifts and it's around the corner from where I live. The pay and the people are great. It's like a family there. The Irish Times was horrible. The people were lovely but it took up all my time and I missed St Patricks Day and the Grand Prix (which I still haven't been completely paid for.) Nobody can work 15 hours a day. Good Riddance Irish Times!

St Kilda Pier

We live in St Kilda really near the beach and a strip of cool bars and restaurants. This week the weather's been really gorgeous. For a while there we were getting nervous. It went down below twenty. Eek! Melbourne Autumn is setting in for sure. Time to head North? Watch this space...

Can't figure out these machines,
I don't know how the Grannys do it. 
Melbourne on the Yarra
When we do leave Melbourne there's loads I'll miss. St Kilda is cool but I really love the City Centre. It has a distinctive atmosphere I always kind of forget but as soon as I go back in it all comes back. There's this amazing view on the way in on the tram that overlooks the Yarra River. I can't say how much I love the City. I always think of Federation Square and all the tiny birds and Alexander Gardens under Princes Bridge. I could literally hang out there all day. Then there's the Crown Casino. We've been in a couple of times. I've never been to Vegas but the Crown is amazing. It's really intimidating but beautiful and really vast. I had to ask for directions in the building more than once. We got into trouble for taking photos (gamblers do not like this) like proper tourists. Embarrassing...

My friends (and one randomer)
sans me at the Grand Prix

Barney had a great weekend around Paddy's weekend. They all went out all day, had a ball and the next day was the final race day of the Grand Prix. I missed the whole thing thanks to the aforementioned horrible job. From what I hear it was pretty impressive.  I'll see if I can get him to do a little contribution soon.